Dear Student,

The following questions are aimed at first year students in 2022 who needed and/or requested assistance from the BA Advisors with the selection of majors for their BA General degree.  Note: participating in the questionnaire is voluntary and responses will be kept confidential.

The questions aim to

  1. gain insight into struggles students incurred when enrolling, registering and choosing subjects for the BA General degree
  2. utilize insights from your answers to understand the experience of first year students



Did you struggle with choosing your subjects:



Were you aware that the faculty provided assistance:

If you received assistance, were you able to apply the assistance given:




 Security code

POPIA information:
The Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (POPI Act) has been promulgated and implemented on 1 July 2020. All personal identifiable information provided by you shall be treated in accordance with this statute and only used for administration purposes, as indicated in the University’s Privacy Policy. By providing your information, you are giving consent for the use of all your personal identifiable information, provided to the University, for the aforesaid purposes.