Change the world
Faculty of Humanities
Bursary Conditions of the Media Development and Diversity Agenda in partnership with the Faculty of Humanities at Nelson Mandela University
The Bursary Award is to be used for tuition fees, books, purchase of a once-off laptop, travel and living expenses. It will be administered by the University’s Bursaries and Scholarship Directorate, located in the Strategic Resource Mobilisation and Advancement.
Please note the Bursary conditions and support plan below:
Student Support Plan
First Names:
Student Number:
South African citizen or permanent resident:
ID Number:
Phone/cell number:
Email Address:
Home Address (include your street/village/town/city name and postal code):
Address during University semester, if applicable:
Next of kin name and cellphone number:
Programme registered for:
Year of Study:
First year of registration:
Other funding in 2024:
If yes, name of funder/bursary:
Include the amount being funded:
Motivation (why you think you are eligible for this bursary. Include your academic capabilities, progress and future aspirations related to Media, Advertising and Graphic Design in your motivation):
Popia Act consent:
I hereby declare that the information stated in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I have submitted this information knowing that, if I wilfully stated in it anything which I know to be false or which I do not believe to be true, I may be declared ineligible for this bursary and/or any sums already paid or granted to me may be withdrawn and will have to repay it. I also give consent for my academic record and financial statement to be accessed for the purposes of this bursary application. I further undertake to inform the MDDA Administrators at the Nelson Mandela University and Financial Aid of any change in my circumstances.